So Thursday we are off to the CCM Show 2020. The Caravan Camping and Motorhome Show at the NEC in Birmingham for the day.
CCM Show 2020
We love these shows, its a good time to have a look at whats new to the market on all other brands of motorhomes and have a real nose around. It’s great to get up close and inside all the different ranges of motorhomes and compare. You could say we are becoming experts at it.
Its also good to say hi to the Choose Leisure team who will be there on the Bailey stand selling there motorhomes and also a catching up with the Bailey media team.
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Bailey are showcasing there new 2020 range of motorhomes and caravans to which we will have more detail on after the show, but if you can’t wait that long then click here to go straight to there website. They have also launched there new website, so nows the time to check them out and the new site looks great. Here you can check out there full range and also find your local dealership.
So if your at the show Thursday 19th, please look out for us as we shall be walking around and please do come and say hi to us, we don’t bite. We will also be on Twitter and Instagram during the day too so if you can’t find us, you can see where we are on there.
Happy and safe travels.
Janaways On Tour
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